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Conservative Definition

Conservatism: A Philosophy of Preservation and Stability


Conservatism is a political and social philosophy that emphasizes the value of tradition, stability, and gradual change. It is based on the belief that existing institutions and values have been proven to work well over time and should be preserved.

Core Principles

Conservatives generally believe in: * Limited government intervention in the economy and society * Free markets and private property * Strong national defense * Respect for tradition and authority * Individual liberty and responsibility

Changing World and Conservative Values

In today's rapidly changing world, conservatism can be seen as a force for stability and order. Conservatives are often hesitant to embrace change, believing that it can lead to unintended consequences. They argue that it is better to maintain the status quo and make gradual adjustments as needed.


Conservatism is a complex philosophy that has shaped many societies throughout history. Its emphasis on preserving tradition, limiting change, and strengthening existing institutions can provide a sense of security and stability in a world that is constantly evolving. While not everyone agrees with its tenets, conservatism remains a significant force in politics and society, offering a unique perspective on how to navigate the complexities of the modern world.
